The Center was opened in 1991 by Mark Jutras, MD, HCLD, and Mary Todd Jutras, RNC, MSN as an organization devoted to helping couples achieve their dreams of conceiving a child. Affordable IVF offers both surgical and non-surgical treatment options to infertile couples and is located in Huntersville, North Carolina, just minutes from downtown Charlotte. Our expertise, success rates, and more affordable prices for both In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Tubal Reversals make traveling to our center an appealing option for many patients. Please contact our office for more information.
Did you know?
...that Affordable IVF has one of the highest pregnancy rates in the country and is one of the least expensive IVF programs in the country?
...that Dr. Jutras has been involved in In Vitro Fertilization programs and has performed outpatient sterilization reversals for over 20 years?
...that Affordable IVF has nursing staff with over 15 years of experience in the field of infertility. (Our IVF nurse coordinator holds a Masters degree in Nursing and a certification in Reproductive Endocrine and Infertility Nursing)?
...that Central Florida's most successful IVF program is now located in North Carolina?
It is our mission to provide affordable, personalized, and professional patient care.
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering an Affordable Refund IVF Program in addition to our Affordable Single Cycle option. This program includes multiple IVF cycles at a reduced price and allows couples to receive a refund should IVF treatment be unsuccessful. We also offer a Multicycle Program for patients who do not qualify for the Refund Program but would like the opportunity to receive multiple IVF attempts at a discounted price.
Please check our website for updates and additional information on this exciting opportunity for our IVF patients.