Hospice Cleveland County accepts patients of all ages and with any
life-limiting illness, such as cancer, emphysema, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and debility and decline. Referrals may be made
by the patient, family member, physician, minister, friend - anyone who cares.
We celebrate life and living life to its fullest. Hospice Cleveland
County is where 'the little things don't mean much, they can mean
everything." Unlike some agencies, we have no waiting list.
Our homecare services begin within 24 hours of a physician's order.
The professional staff of Hospice Cleveland County is committed to
preserving human dignity through compassion, integrity, and excellence
in patient care. Our goal is to provide comfort care by working to
reduce pain, help control symptoms, and provide psychological, spiritual, and grief support.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Insurance fund most Hospice care, however, our services are provided regardless of ability to pay.