"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." (Psalm 100:4)
Although the Thanksgiving season is remembered as a happy time in the enjoyment of life's blessings, perhaps during this season some homes will experience the testing of an illness, a time of loss and bereavement, or perhaps discouragement. At such times, it is difficult to know the joy of the season or to praise the Lord from the heart. The cry of some may be: "But, Lord, how can I give thanks?"
A teacher, trying to impress the truth that many of the sweetest joys of life are the fruitof sorrow, to a class, drew some black dots that appeared as nothing other than an irregular assemblage of black dots. Then he drew a few lines, put in a few rests, then a clef and soon the black dots were musical notes which when sounded formed: "PraiseGod form whom all blessings flow."
So in our lives, the black dots and dark days may be difficult to understand. But, with God arranging the dots, a glorious harmony will result in our lives.
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Thanks for your time, my friend, and may God bless you.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Season!
Pastor Bud Owen
On Sunday Evenings at 6:30, we are studying through the Book of Revelation - verse-by-verse. What a fascinating study!
Biblical Preaching and Teaching
Christ-Centered and Christ-Honoring Music
Love For and Fellowship with One Another
Faithful Support of Missions
REALIZE that you are lost and need a Savior and Jesus Christ is the Savior.
RECOGNIZE what God had done to remedy your lost condition.
(Romans 5:8 & John 3:16)
REPENT a willingness to turn from sin to the Savior.
(Luke 13:3 & Acts 20:21)
RECEIVE the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Personal Savior.
God has provided in Christ Jesus the ONLY way of salvation...you must make the choice to receive God's salvation. Will you, right now, invite Jesus Christ to be your Savior?
Sunday Morning Service & Children's Church
Wednesday Evening Service & Children's AWANA Program
7035 Franklin Road P.O. Box 130 Lewisville, NC 27023
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