Welcoming the Arden, Fletcher, Asheville, Hendersonville communities
Advent: "Let Your Light Shine in the Darkness"
Each week of advent we are gathering on Wednesday evenings. We will enjoy food, fellowship, worship, and learning together!
6:00 Soup & Bread Supper with fellowship
6:45 Holden Evening Prayer with the opportunity to hear from our friends. Given the commands to live by, what struggles have we faced and how was light able to shine in the darkness. Wednesday Advent Schedule Beginning December 1.
A Few Advent Resources:
"Christ Be Our Light"
Luther Seminary and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary jointly created this devotional which focuses on how we are waiting in darkness.
A message from the creators:
Advent is a time of longing. Through the long, dark nights of December, we long for light. All God's people long for the basic stuff of life: food, water, warmth, shelter. For too many of our brothers and sisters around the world and in our own towns, those needs are not met. Just as real is our need for peace and hope, and a deep sense of belonging. Too often they elude us.
We come to Christ with all the yearnings of our hearts. We bring them to the manger, trusting that the light of Christ will shine through the darkness. We ask that the light may shine also through us to bring comfort and justice in the dark places. We believe the words we will sing again this Christmas Eve: The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
Advent Paper Chains
For those who have children, you may want something with more hands on. This resource will help you create a paper chain (activities already printed on the strips). Each link will get your family talking, reflecting, serving, and anticipating Christmas together.
Maybe you like the links, but only want some verses to read together each night to help focus on the story of Jesus' arrival. Check this one out.
This calendar incorporates both the activities and verse from the chain links into a weekly calendar format.