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At 1502 Fabrics we strive to please our customers. Please let us know if you have any questions / comments.
Email Us: customerservice@1502Fabrics.com
1502fabrics.com accepts all major credit cards! We also accept PayPal.
(MasterCard and Visa only, for in-store and phone purchases)
1502 Fabrics accepts MasterCard and Visa by phone.
336.434.2153 - High Point, N.C.
336.722.3145 - Winston Salem, N.C.
Due to the nature of our business, we have a no return policy on all cut yardage.
All special orders must be paid in full. Special orders cannot be returned.
We do not ship internationally.
Branches and additional offices:
(336) 434-21532108 Dunmore Ct High Point, NC 27263-1620