Tax Services Include:
Old North State Wealth Management is affiliated with Fisher & Company, CPAs to provide individual, business, estate and gift, and non-profit tax planning, research, preparation, and communication with all federal, state, and regulatory agencies.
Accounting and Payroll
We provide all levels of bookkeeping services, including payroll, asset depreciation management, and financial statement presentation. Our professionals can become your organizations CFO to help set policies, manage vendors, negotiate financing, maintain relationships with banks, manage the daily transactions, work with your employees, process the monthly accounting and prepare all tax related filings for your company. We can work with you on a permanent, part-time basis or help screen and evaluate full-time financial executives.
Our financial statement services will help you understand and represent your organization. We provide different levels of services depending on the complexity of your business and the use of the financial statements. Our audit team is trained in the latest AICPA accounting and auditing standards, principles, and keeps current on reporting requirements.
Company Retirement Plan Accounting / TPA / 5500 FilingPreparation, review, maintenance of company retirement plans such as 401(k), Profit Sharing, Safe Harbor, and 403(b).
Assurance Services Include:
Audits. This is the highest level of financial statement service. We examine the organizations financial records to provide reasonable assurance the information reported is materially free from error. Our procedures include examination of select records on a test basis to support the data reported. At the completion of the audit we express our opinion on the condition of the financial statements.
Reviews. These include limited analytical procedures to provide some assurance the financial statements conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
Compilations. Financial statements are compiled using information provided from a client without analytical procedures or tests performed. A compiled report should be limited to use for internal management purposes
Internal Audits. An internal audit program can minimize risk of fraud and theft. Internal audits should be a random, ongoing series of tests to examine controls and measure if policies and procedures are being followed. An important feature of an internal audit is the training that occurs during the audit or after results have been reviewed.
Agreed Upon Procedures. This procedure is used to examine a special scope or area. Normally, it is used to investigate an unexplained balance, such as inventory shortages or material differences in a revenue or expense category.
Advisory Services Include:
Business Valuations. To determine a fair, objective price for any business or asset, based on its current condition and present value in the marketplace. The results can be used to set insurance levels for tax and estate planning, gifting, or to develop a plan to increase the value of the business.
Buy/Sell Agreements. These agreements protect the rights of owners and partners. A buy/sell establishes a clear set of rules to follow in the event of a business disruption or termination due to a dispute, health concern, disability or death, or loss of interest in the business. Each owner needs to protect their interests to ensure their family receives benefits.
Litigation Support. We identify, analyze, and document materials to provide an opinion on your situation. Whether defending interests or helping support a claim for damages, we can help with court appearances, depositions, and research for divorce, business disputes, fraud, and estate issues.
Mergers & Acquisitions. Whether buying or selling a business, we can provide the analysis and due diligence to help with decisions. Our firm offers financial and operational consulting to determine pricing, evaluate the potential fit of a purchase, and create a transition path.
Succession Planning. When transferring a business to a family member, employee or outside party a plan to phase out the primary owners involvement is needed. Succession should come in stages to ease the burden on incoming management and allow current management to transfer relationships.