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St Timothys Episcopal Church
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Welcome to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. We invite you to join with us as you explore the benefits of Christian life and the fellowship that
Address4523 Six Forks Rd Raleigh, NC 27609-5709
Phone(919) 787-7590
Welcome to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. We invite you to join with us as you explore the benefits of Christian life and the fellowship that comes from being a part of our spiritual community. Whether you are a confirmed Episcopalian, confirmed as a member of another catholic faith or are new to Christianity, we are here to worship together in God's house and grow in His word. Please browse our Information at a Glance pages to learn more about St. Timothy's.

St. Anne’s Chapter November Meeting

November 8th, 2010 by Webwright

St. Anne’s Chapter of The Episcopal Church Women will meet on Wednesday, November 10th following the 10:30 AM Communion Service. We welcome all women who are members of the Church to attend our meetings. Just bring a sandwich to share; a salad and beverages will be provided.
Almost all baked goods provided for the Bake Sale were sold. your support was greatly appreciated. The money will be used for a new purple hanging and fair linens.

Adult Bible Study Adjourns Until December

November 2nd, 2010 by Webwright

The Adult Bible Study is taking a break until after Thanksgiving. The group will meet again on Wednesday, December 1st at 7 PM in the Parlor. Look for announcements in the Sunday Bulletin for the next book of the Bible to be studied.

We welcome Samantha Mason to the Vestry. Samantha was elected at the last Vestry meeting to fill the seat vacated by Mark McKeown’s resignation, and she will fill the seat until the Annual Meeting in December. We are grateful to Mark for his years of service on the Vestry and his many contributions to the work of the Parish. We congratulate Samantha on her election to the Vestry and pray for God’s grace to give her wisdom and understanding as she helps lead our Parish.

Please join the ladies of the ECW for dinner and discussion of the book Eat the Cookie…Buy the Shoes by Joyce Meyer at the home of Kathryn Carroll on Saturday evening, November 6th at 6 PM. In the book, Joyce Meyer tells why we need to break our routines now and then. Throughout the Bible, God ordained and commanded celebration, so God wants us to enjoy the lives He has given us and celebrate! This will create some lively discussion and good fellowship. No time to read? Join us anyway for a sneak peak at the book! RSVP Anne Elsea 231-9350 or

Posted in Church News, Episcopal Church Women (ECW) | Comments Off

The Altar Guild will meet on Sunday, November 7th at 10:15 AM in the Parlor. All Altar Guild members are asked to attend. Some topics for the meeting will include issues that need addressing and what our tasks will be through the Advent and Christmas seasons. This will be a good time for other volunteers who may be interested in Altar Guild work to attend the meeting and learn more about who the Altar Guild members are and what they do.

Church School and the Children’s Stewardship

October 27th, 2010 by Webwright

Our Church School will be focusing on Stewardship through Sunday, October 31st (Touchdown Sunday). So that the children wll all have the opportunity to complete a pledge care, we are asking all the children, in their Halloween costumes, to join their parents in the pews of the Church at 11 AM. At that time we will pray and then allow a number for minutes for the parents to help their children complete their pledge cards. The children will then bring their pledge cards forward and offer them in thanksgiving to God. The children will participate in the Solemn Procession for All Saints’ Day and then join the Church School classes in the Parish Hall. With this emphasis on pledging, the children will learn that they give part of themselves in service to the Church and that pledging is the outward sign of that offering to Christ’s Body, the Church.

Stewardship Campaign Update

October 26th, 2010 by Webwright

Pledge cards are due in to the Parish Office. If you have yet to complete a pledge card for 2011, please do so this week. The Vestry is trying to complete the Every member Canvass, and we are well below where we need to be to meet our 230-pledge goal. Pledge cards and envelopes are available in the narthex and can be placed in the alms basin during the offertory or mailed back to the Parish Office. Saint Timothy’s depends mainly on the giving of her faithful parishioners to meet the needs of the parish, so please know how important and helpful your pledges are.
Our goal is to score a touchdown on Touchdown Sunday, October 31st. This means we will have received 230 pledges with the pledged amount increased by 10% over last year’s amount. We can do this if we pledge just $3 more per week for 2011. The Vestry will be contacting all members of the Parish who have yet to pledge throughout the remainder of the campaign to see if we can’t score a “touchdown” by October 31st. Let’s do it!
As part of our Stewardship Campaign, we will also have a series of speakers from the Parish leading up to “Touchdown Sunday”. Peter Bourey (October 10th), Samantha Mason (October 17th), Emma Elsea (October 24th) and Sara Smothers (October 31st) will give a brief stewardship talk before the sermon on each of those Sundays, explaining why St. Timothy’s is important to them and why supporting St. Timothy’s ought to be important to all of us.

All Souls’ Day

October 25th, 2010 by Webwright

At the requiem that we will celebrate on All Souls’ Day, Tuesday, November 2nd at 12 noon, we will remember by name departed souls of our families, friends and loved ones at St. Timothy’s Altar. Please print the names of the loved ones you would like remembered at the Altar on the bulletin board outside the Parish Office. May they rest in peace.

Bobby Asher Golf Classic

October 25th, 2010 by Webwright

Please join us at the Bobby Asher Golf Classic on October 30, 2010 at Riverwood Golf. This has been a successful event in the past, and we are looking forward to another successful tournament this year. Fliers for the tournament can be found in the bulletin and in the narthex. Please contact Warren Grant at 812-5727, Bob Elsea at 231-9350, or any of the members of the Men’s Fellowship for additional information.

Adult Bible Study: Salvation and Predestination

October 17th, 2010 by Webwright

For the next two Wednesdays, the Bible Study Group will examine two areas of theological teaching: salvation and predestination. Questions concerning these two areas have arisen many times in the course of our study of the Books of the Bible. We are taking two classes and looking at these teachings from historical and denominational perspectives. We will return to the Books of the Bible in a few weeks. Please join the study on Wednesdays at 7 PM in the Parlor.


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