Thank You for Visiting Rutherford OB-GYN Online.
We are conveniently located in Rutherfordton and Columbus and have served our region for more than 30 years. We serve patients from Landrum, Tryon, and Columbus to Lake Lure, Rutherfordton, Forest City, Marion, and all places in between. The physicians and staff of Rutherford OB-GYN Associates are dedicated to providing the best care for you and we look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for your trust.
Rutherfordton Office - The Rutherfordton Office's main hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm. For your convenience, all physicians offer some early morning appointments beginning at 7:30 am on select days. Most of the physicians also offer evening appointments for between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Columbus Office - Dr. Celeste Wiltse cares for patients in the Columbus office every Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm as well as some periodic half days.
Rutherfordton Office: 828-287-7383
Branches and additional offices:
(828) 894-213054 Hospital Dr Columbus, NC 28722-8516