You have made the decision to have an abortion. It may have happened recently or many years ago, and yet that decision has left you feeling confused and emotionally wounded. You were unprepared for the deep sense of loss you've experienced since that time, and you've silently carried your pain.
Perhaps you've also experienced feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, panic or hopelessness. These can be typical - not only for the woman who underwent the abortion but also for the father of the child, the grandparents, close friends, even the assisting medical personnel.
What can you do? Where can you go? Who will listen? If you are suffering from the effects of an abortion, we want you to know that there is help and there is hope. You can heal, and you are not alone.
Abortion is one of the most common surgical procedures in the US, experienced by millions of women. It creates a deep wound in women who have had an abortion, one that affects them spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Project Rachel assists women and men who have been wounded by abortion to find truth and healing.
Raleigh chiropractic care by Raleigh Specific Chiropractic. Chiropractors serving families and kids in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Wake Forest, NC North Carolina.
7721 Six Forks Road, Suite 138, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27615