Come in or call today to see our large indoor therapy room and learn more about how we can help.
What We Do:
Occupational Therapy can target skills needed for play and social interaction such as interacting with others, using toys or playground equipment; self-help such as feeding, eating, dressing and grooming; school readiness and school performance skills such as eye-hand coordination, attention and focus and organization of one-self in the environment.
We recognize the developmental milestones that are normally attained at each stage in a child's life and we encourage and motivate children and their family to reach these goals within a playful environment.
Pediatric Possibilities offers client centered services using a family-oriented developmental approach. Our educated staff are dedicated and invested in providing holistic interventions within a multi-disciplinary model. We are committed to delivering professional quality services to effectively meet the needs of our clients.
What We Offer:
Services include evaluation, consultation and/or treatment. Your therapist will develop an appropriate treatment plan which includes family education, consultation and direct treatment intervention as appropriate. Contact our office at (919) 844-1100 with any questions or to request additional information.