Promoting total wellness for people at every starting point
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Fitness Mind and Body Nutrition Personal Training Rehabilitation Weight Loss Wellness Lectures Group Exercise Massage Therapy
Medically-Based Wellness Center Serving Durham and Surrounding Communities in North Carolina
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Membership application (PDF, 152 KB)
The Duke Health & Fitness Center offers an array of comprehensive wellness programs that foster positive, lasting changes in people of all fitness levels and health conditions.
A component of the acclaimed Duke Center for Living, the center is staffed with experts who are committed to helping others improve their overall health and quality of life.
The Health and Fitness Center is housed in the 30,000-square-foot, PepsiCo Fitness Center, where members can take advantage of the areas most inclusive wellness programs and facilities, including:
Group fitness and mind-body classes
Weight-loss programs and support groups
Nutrition and stress management education
Weight training and aerobic equipment
Indoor and outdoor tracks
Disease-specific rehabilitation programs
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday: 1 to 5 p.m.
To learn more about the Duke Health and Fitness Center and the services we offer, or to inquire about membership or schedule an appointment, call 919-660-6660 or e-mail us.
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