Hand washing is the #1 way to reduce the transfer of germs that cause illness and infection.
Tarheel Sanitation Supply provides your company with the right products to insure a clean work environment. We offer deb/SBS products that effectivelyprotect, cleanse and restore. Visit www.deb/SBS.com for product information.
Paper products that fit your needs and save you money.
A center pull despenser is the most economical way to dry yourhands. Dispesing just one sheet at a time, this unit's efficient designwill helpyou save money while also providing both your employees and customers with soft hand-towels instead of the annoyence of blow dryers.
Variety of papers to choose from enables you to deside: quality oreconomy--or both.
Center pull rolls, folded paper towels, brown roll paper.
Call today and have one of our representatives stop by your business for a private consultation.