Office Park Eye Center is a practice dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for every individual we treat by helping each to see his or her best, and by preserving and protecting our patient's vision and eye health throughout life.
We are committed to responding compassionately to our patients' individual needs and to advancing the highest standards of comprehensive eye care.
Our office sees patients based on an appointment system. We find that this system is the most efficient way to provide service to our patients. We work hard to see patients on time. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call us as far in advance as possible so we can offer the time reserved for you to someone else who needs it. For emergency eye care, we will make every effort to see you as soon as possible.
Please bring your eyeglasses, current medications and insurance cards with you to your appointment. Office Park Eye Center participates with many insurance plans. All HMO insurance plans require authorization/referral from your Primary Care Physician before your visit.
Office Park Eye center is "kid friendly" and can handle most pediatric ocular and visual problems, including amblyopia management and strabismus surgery for esotropia and exotropia.