Post number one
Ozone is a very powerful oxidizing agent and a very powerful disinfectant. It has the unique feature of decomposing to a harmless, non-toxic, environmentally safe material being oxygen. These characteristics make ozone exceptionally suitable for the treatment of municipal drinking water, de-ionized water for high purity processes and in our case for disinfection of irrigation waste water for greenhouse hydroponics crops.
Ozone treatment is used to produce high quality irrigation water. It is used to removes odor, turbidity, iron and manganese and to oxidize dissolved organic pollutants and to disinfect the irrigation water.
The application of our Plasma Ozone Technology has been very successful to sterilize Bacteria and Viruses in greenhouse irrigation waste water before it is recycled to the crops.Further tests haveshown thatdissolved oxygen in the irrigation water will benit and enhace crop production.
For more information on how this technology can benefit your operation please contact
Post Number two
Our PlasmaOzone treatmentsystem can provide sterilization of yourFertigation waste waterdestroying any bacteriain collected leachate water.Ouron site oxygengenerators produce 94% pure oxygenare used to produce maximum Ozone production to sterilize the collected leachate water.Ourpure oxygengenerators provide dissolved Oxygeninjected in irrigation waterto enhanceplant growth and yields.
Ourcustom designed Ozone systemsmonitor the amount of Ozone in the water and automatically maintains the required Ozone levelto killbacteria, virusesand pathogens.
The Fertigation Treatment Systems combined with our Oxygen concentrators and automatic back wash media filtersprovide amaintance free process. This system can savegreenhouse growersfrom 30% to 40% on their water and fertilizer costs, and with our oxygen deliverysystem in the irrigation water itis possible to seeimproved crop yields.For more information please contact Climate Control Systems e-mail
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