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North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork
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Massage Schools in Asheville, North Carolina - Welcome to the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork.
Address1327 Charlotte Hwy Fairview, NC 28730-8798
Phone(828) 628-3007

Massage Schools in Asheville, North Carolina

Clinical massage therapy training and continuing education for licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapists begins with the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork - In your training, you will receive the most advanced massage and bodywork techniques in the country.

The North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork is a Clinical Massage Therapy school in Asheville, NC and is a massage school specializing in Clinical Massage Therapy Training.
The NCSAB teaching staff have 60 years combined experience in the massage and bodywork profession both in practice and instruction.
Maximum of 14 Students Per Class – Individualized for a Superior Education Here You’ll Discover Your Pathway to Superior Competency and Professional Status among the Elite of massage and bodywork professionals.
A Serious Education for Those Serious about their Future

Why would a beginning level student attend a School of Advanced Bodywork?
Your New Career As A Leading Edge, Clinical Massage Therapist Awaits You In The Beautiful Mountains Surrounding Asheville, North Carolina
You Are Probably Wondering What

Can Do For You, That Many Massage Schools Cannot
Here, You’ll Discover Your Pathway to Superior Competency and Professional Status among the Elite of massage and bodywork professionals
Message from Kyle Wright

Kyle Wright's newly released book STRUCTURAL BALANCING, A CLINICAL APPROACH, published by McGraw-Hill Publishing, is the primary textbook used for the Functional Anatomy and Clinical Bodywork curriculum. This clinical textbook was written for massage therapy students as well as physical therapy and chiropractic students.
You can now order this forward thinking clinical manual by clicking on the McGraw-Hill direct ordering website link below.
McGraw-Hill Direct Ordering Website

I want to let you know how excited I am that you are starting up a new school in our area! After graduating from Southeastern [one of Kyle Wright’s former schools] in 2004, it didn’t take me long to determine that I had received one of the best massage educations available in North Carolina. I’ve found that I have that definite “Southeastern Edge” that the instructors frequently mentioned.
Vicky Goodridge, LMBT

From the Desk of Kyle C. Wright,
Founder and Director of The North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork
Typing away in the Beautiful Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina

If you are like many people who inquire about a massage therapy education, you've been clicking away, searching through many websites, ordering and reading catalogs, making phone calls, asking questions, trying to figure it all out.
To mention just a few of the questions you might be asking yourself:

e) And how do I KNOW I will make the right choices?
f) And by the way, what’s the difference between Clinical Massage and regular massage, anyway?

Let’s see if there are ways I can help you answer these questions
Too Many Choices?
You’re probably wondering how you can choose between so many schools that present themselves as very different and superior, yet in many ways they all look the same. You want to know where you should spend your hard earned money, and that you'll get the education you need to be among the best massage and bodyworker therapists in the country.
Yet everyone knows a slick catalog or fancy website does not guarantee a great school. And if you don’t know much about the profession, it’s tough to even know what questions to ask, or how to evaluate different schools. It can all be VERY challenging or confusing.
Well, I admit it, You are Right, and I don't blame you. With the explosion of so many new schools in the last few years it can be hard to make a choice, and how do you know we at NCSAB are the right school for you?
Well, having trained over 8,000 students in the past 20 years through my previously-owned Southeastern Schools, I know the concerns and hopes many people like you have. Let's see if I can help you narrow down that choice and, hopefully, make a better, more informed decision.
But let me just give you a small hint here, by way of a couple of testimonials, the kind I get all of the time:

I have been utilizing neuromuscular therapists from [Kyle Wright’s Schools] for 9 years and in my opinion, their students are by far, the best in the business.
Stephen M. Brenan, D.C.

I am a therapist and I own my own practice in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. I get to help change and improve people’s lives on a daily basis. It’s the most satisfying and rewarding way I could ever hope to make a living. Graduating from one of Kyle’s former schools made all these opportunities possible. It really did change my life.
Chad Jasmine, LMT, NCTMB

Visiting Me In The Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC
As you read through this letter, you’ll learn more about how my staff and I can help you become a Massage & Bodywork Therapist. And you’ll read more testimonials from people who can back up my belief that our school may very well be the best choice for you.
That's why I am hoping that you'll make the trip here to Fairview, North Carolina, just a 10 minute drive southeast of Asheville, and sit and talk with me for a while, maybe a long while, and see the school and review our curriculum. Maybe even get a treatment from me (and, by the way, if I am convinced you are serious, at No Charge).

My association with Kyle Wright began about 15 years ago. He has treated me for various muscular symptoms which have helped me with my game tremendously. His knowledge of the muscular and skeletal systems of the body has given me an insight on how sports and muscle injuries interact and the subsequent treatment plan needed to alleviate the underlying cause. Kyle has a warm disposition and a keen dedication to the work he believes in. I wish him much success in the years to come.
Vijay Singh, Professional Golfer

After you get to know me and my work a little better, we can talk about your concerns and ambitions, and I can help you decide if massage therapy is the profession for you, and whether this is the place for you to learn.
Is Massage The Profession For Me?
In the meantime, please take a few minutes and ask yourself some questions. It is important to be honest with yourself about your answers. Because our classes are small and very personal, we want everyone to be fully committed to their learning process.

If you answered YES to any of these questions, I believe you are headed in the right direction. And when we talk, whether it is in person or on the phone, I will do my best to help you get as clear as possible about your decision to be a massage & bodywork therapist, and whether our approach here at the NCSAB is the right one for you.
Because it works both ways. If you are successful as a massage therapist, I will be successful as a massage educator. So it is in my best interest to help you make the right choice.
And when you are here for your visit, spend a little time exploring Asheville and the surrounding areas, because unless you already live here, you'll be spending at least six months in a very desirable environment. Asheville was rated in the top ten places to live in America in recent yeas by several rating services.
As one of the top travel destinations in the country, people come from all over the world to visit, vacation or live. Few places are surrounded by so much nature and outdoor activities. If you are like many of my previous students, it will be one of the BEST and most life-changing six months of your life.
From Relaxing Swedish to Solving Complex Neuro-Structural Problems
Notice this is a school of CLINICAL Massage Therapy. Most massage therapists practice one or more forms of massage that are very relaxing, healthful, yet general in nature. While modalities like Swedish Massage and Asian bodywork are very useful and valuable in many settings, there is a difference.
Yes, you'll get an excellent training in the skills of Swedish Massage, the more overall relaxing type of full body massage with oils and all that. You will get an introduction to Asian approaches, including yin/yang and five element theory. This is all great and useful stuff. You'll be really good at it when you finish our program.
Although our work is a very Western approach to bodywork, we recognize that in the end, it is all energy, and you should have a wide perspective on the various manual, soft-tissue modalities, including the best of Eastern perspectives and techniques. But energy without structure can be chaotic and difficult to manage effectively. We give you the structure that is missing from many energy-based systems.
When you add our scientific elements, with our No Pain, More Gain “Edge” technique and Structural Analysis Strategies, you’ll get the most results in the widest range of myofascial and neuro-structural syndromes. Though Western in nature, we believe, it is a no less conscious system than some of the more esoteric modalities out there.
What Is Clinical Massage Therapy & Structural Bodywork?
And why is it different from most other forms of massage?
Our focus is on you becoming a specialist in managing and resolving significant pain, posture, movement and dysfunction issues for which many people have not found relief.

As a practicing neurologist, I have found the clinical massage therapy and structural bodywork techniques under the direction of Kyle C. Wright to be helpful in the treatment of my patients. I see many patients with chronic pain from a wide variety of causes, who either achieve no or little benefit from standard physical therapy and medications. I have been impressed with the results obtained with his clinical therapy methods. This is particularly true with patients with primarily soft tissue injuries.
Dennis D. Dewey, M.D.

As one of our top instructors, David Scott Lynn, puts it, we have found that many of the seemingly irresolvable problems people face are the result of Chronic, Excess Muscle & Nerve Tension, or C.E.M.&.N.T. for short. (A more medical term for it is hyper-tonicity.) This is an almost unrecognized source of trouble for large numbers of people, and few health care professionals or therapists of any kind have mastered the techniques, strategies and subtleties needed to manage or resolve this widely pervasive cause of many common problems.
Because the ability to contract muscles is, obviously, necessary to function on a daily basis, few recognize it as a problem. The problem is that while everyone is pretty good at contracting muscles, few know how to DE-contract, or fully relax, their muscles. And a well functioning human body must be able to relax or de-contract their muscles just as easily as we contract them.
Here are some of the problems chronic, excess muscle tension causes:

THIS Is Your Unique Opportunity…
This unique approach to Skillful Resolution of chronic muscle tension and the problems it causes is the primary skill you’ll be developing here at the school.
Many of our Clients over the years have been to many kinds of therapy — including various kinds of massage and bodywork — searching for relief from a variety of problems. Yet they did not find sufficient or complete relief until they experienced our unique approach to soft-tissue therapy.
This skill — and the related knowledge — is what will set you apart from many, if not most, of the therapists out there today.
So Much in So Little Time?
Now, to the question of how we can give you what amounts to an advanced education in 500 hours when other schools offer more hours for a more basic training?
We can provide the education you need to be an excellent practioner of therapeutic Swedish Massage, all along teaching you how to achieve a higher level of therapeutic skill through our training in Clinical Massage Therapy and Structural Bodywork.
How can we do this?
With over 20 years of teaching, I have developed and continuously refined the process of teaching this material to a high art. The training curriculum has been precisely thought out and sequenced allowing the material to be delivered in the most efficient and effective way possible. This efficiency combined with a small, high caliber group of students, allows us to teach you far more than the basic requirements in a shorter time.
THIS superior and more extensive education is what my previous students have appreciated about their time with me and my schools.

What is The Edge and why NO Pain means MORE Gain
Why light pressure is OFTEN (but not always) better than deep pressure
Precise and Effective Hand Placements for treating soft tissue

(Or at least in a really long time!)
One of your perks for getting educated in massage therapy is receiving approximately three to four hours of massage therapy per week, every week, in supervised trades with fellow students. That alone is, I think, worth the price of admission. Just learning about how to relax your own muscles is a revelation for many people.
As we teach you to help others relax their chronic muscle tensions, you’ll find yours starting to disappear, too. And you’ll have the opportunity to learn many other ways of dealing with muscle and nerve tension that often causes a person’s pain.
The reality is there is an art to relaxation, and the more you know how to do it, the more you can help others achieve the deep relaxation they and their muscles need.
A Life Changing Experience Awaits You
For lots of students, their massage education is, with no exaggeration, a life changing experience. Because of the simultaneous inward and outward focus, and getting to know other human beings at a more intimate, holistic level, your sense of what’s possible will expand dramatically.
Like many students before you, their careers have flourished with the deep satisfaction of helping people at levels that nothing else can, and getting them out of pain or other problems of posture, movement and dysfunction.
If you decide this is the direction for you, please contact us and set up a visit. If you need to fly in, I will personally pick you up at the airport.
If you can’t make it here, then we’ll set up a time to talk on the phone. Either way, pick up your phone right now and call my school at (828) 628-3007 or the toll free number which is (877) 628-3007. Ask for your free, No Obligation Information Packet.
You can also email me HERE or type in kyle along with the @ sign and in your email program.
Are You Willing To Be One Of The Best?
Now, I also admit that I am biased. I want you here learning from me and my staff. That is, IF you want to be among the best and most highly trained massage therapists in America, and maybe even beyond. ... IF you want clinical massage to be not just a better job, but a highly valuable profession you can be truly proud of. ... IF you want to be a highly successful massage therapist and learn from the best in the business with your new career making it an integral part of your life.
If so, then we are THE massage therapy school for you, and YOU are THE student for us, and I want you here.
Because, with all the schools out there competing for students, it's not always easy to find people who are fully committed to getting the most out of their education, people who want to be the best, people who know that in a profession like this, the learning never stops.
Living On The Edge of Advanced Bodywork & Life Itself
As you get to know us, you’ll understand more about this Edge thing. It is a central key to providing great bodywork for people, not to mention managing many of the aspects of your own life and self.
The short story, though, is that too many people think that deep tissue work has to hurt to work. But the best results come when your Client is within their Edges of pain, meaning they LIKE (or are very neutral about) what they are feeling, and are not having to tolerate the pressure you are applying to their muscles.
Working with The Edge keeps you, the therapist, and your Client, focused on the internal tension release process, making neurological connections that increase the effectiveness, efficiency and results of your work.
Yet, like much of what you will be learning with us, there is A LOT more to it than that simple description. Yes, our technique treats the deep tissue. Many say we go deeper than most. The trick is to let the surface tissues release first, THEN go deeper. Yet you’ll learn to deliver deeper bodywork with no pain involved.
(This might sound simple and obvious to you, but you’d be amazed how many systems do not seem to practice or understand this simple principle.)
Anyway, our entry level program will give you all the tools you need to be a VERY successful practitioner. In a few moments I'll tell you about our track record on that. Yet after 20 years of private practice, teaching and managing five massage therapy schools, my learning never stops either.
There is always going to be a Client with a new and different problem that is unique and challenging. And as you get better and more experienced, more of them will come your way. … As will your opportunities to expand your knowledge and improve your skills.
Your Teachers … and Your Big Advantage:
Highly Experienced Massage & Bodywork Professionals
Our Continuing Educational Trainings are built upon the principles you'll learn in our Foundational Program, with a high level of continuity and integration. And the Foundational and Continuing Trainings are taught by top professionals, people with decades of experience in the treatment room, not recent graduates of massage school, as many massage teachers are.
(Although there are many naturally gifted and great teachers out there, practical experience is a major plus when teaching certain important aspects of clinical massage. Be sure you check into that when you are examining different schools.)
So when you travel here to study with us in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina.
Your New School will provide you with the Leading "Edge" training and hands-on skills not available any where else. One of the early pioneers of The Edge Technique, David Scott Lynn, will be working with me and the school to bring you many state-of-the-art perspectives and techniques for more effective therapy.
Your Instructors are forward thinking, innovative, and highly experienced professionals with proven, decades-long track records in the treatment room, resolving a wide range of myofascial and neuro-structural pain and dysfunctions.
Your Training will equip you with skills, knowledge and insights that can often lead to employment working in a variety of healthcare settings.

Over the past six years, I have had the privilege of working with a number of graduates of [Kyle Wright’s schools of Clinical Massage Therapy]. I am engaged in a pain management practice and have found the technical support people who are graduates [of Kyle’s schools] to be exceptionally well trained and of immeasurable help in an integrated pain management program. They have an excellent knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and their training in Neuromuscular Therapy is very beneficial to my patients who undergo a comprehensive therapy program following injury.

President Elect, American College of Osteopathic
Pain Management & Sclerotherapy; Fellow, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians; Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management; Board Certified, Family Medicine; Member, American Association of Orthopedic Medicine

What, Exactly, Will You Be Able To Do When You’re Done?
Well, it’s a wide open field, ripe for innovation and creativity.
One huge market that is opening up is the Baby-Boomers who are about to start retiring in large numbers. They are also the most health conscious group of people we’ve ever seen. They also tend to be more financially well off, as well.
Another opportunity is working with physicians who understand the value of soft tissue therapy treatments for many of their patient’s painful afflictions that have been difficult to treat by other means.

I have referred many patients to Mr. Kyle Wright, LMT, NCTMB, for clinical neuromuscular and structural bodywork. These have been my patients with soft tissue dysfunction, generally secondary to trauma. My experience has been positive, in that the patients involved have increased range of motion of the affected areas and have a decrease in their complaints of pain. I have found this type of therapy to be a very useful modality in the treatment of soft tissue disorders. I have found Mr. Kyle Wright to be an articulate and competent therapist.
Ronald W. Dennie, MD

Another market is athletes and sports enthusiasts. Most of us have heard about top athletes who consider some form of massage or bodywork as vital to their success and injury prevention.

I have been playing on the PGA [Professional Golf Association] tour for 9 years. It is a tough road paved with hard work, dedication, victories and disappointments. Just one year into my career with the PGA, I began suffering from back pain. As time went on the pain intensified, forcing me to seek out help. I consulted with specialists from around the country and found only minimal and temporary relief. Eventually I sat down with several different neurosurgeons, reluctantly discussing my surgical options, feeling that I had reached my last resort.
“Then 3 years ago during a tournament at the TPC Sawgrass, I was introduced to Kyle Wright. I had heard of him from around the circuit from players such as Vijay Singh and Davis Love III and many others, as being the one to see for pain related issues. When he shook my hand and began to speak, I knew I had met someone truly amazing. He exuded a passion for his work like no one I had ever seen. He knew the human body and more importantly he knew golf and the relationship between the two. Prior to working with Kyle I questioned my future as a pro-golfer, fearful that pain would be the determining factor for the things I could do. Since working with Kyle, I feel like I have taken back control. Pain is no longer my main focus on the course, once again my game is. To golf is to fulfill a passion. To play on the PGA tour is to fulfill a dream. Thanks Kyle, for having such passion to help me meet my dream.

I personally have worked with a number of world-class, professional athletes who have been extremely appreciative of the benefits my approach to therapy has provided them. But please bear in mind that if I was using the techniques that most therapists use, and that I used in my early days as a therapist, I most likely would not have gotten the level of results I did with many of my Clients.
And it is these very techniques of Clinical Massage Therapy & Structural Bodywork, developed over the years by myself and David Scott Lynn that you will be learning here at the school. And I firmly believe you will be hard pressed to find this approach in many places in America.
Now, unfortunately, I cannot guarantee how well you will do as a professional massage and bodywork therapist. Only you know how dedicated and hard working you will be. And yes, it takes work to get started and build a practice. But in truth, you are only limited by your imagination and willingness to work hard, along with the quality of your training. And of course, if you go into private practice, like any other business, you will need to develop your marketing and networking skills, which we will help get you started.
Become A Self-Employed, Private Practitioner …
OR … A High-Value, In-Demand Employee …
One common option of graduates is a self-employed, private practice. With the right training and personal motivation to get the word out to potential Clients, this option affords you

Alternatively, you can work in a wide range of employment opportunities:

With Physicians (medical, chiropractic, osteopathic)- that employ licensed massage and bodywork therapists
In Health Care Facilities

For you to take advantage of these opportunities, I truly believe the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork, Inc. is a unique school specializing in providing you with the most advanced clinical massage therapy training available in the country.

Over many years Kyle Wright has brought Neuromuscular Therapy into my office. Through his knowledge and clinical experience, he has been an integral part in the assistance of correcting neuromuscular skeletal dysfunctions. This soft tissue work that has been used as an adjunct to spinal manipulation, works hand in hand to assist the patients through the biomechanics of reversing their conditions. … Neuromuscular Therapy, particularly through Mr. Wright, is a great asset and brings a new dimension to my practice and the healthcare field.
Dr. Joseph J. Altomare, D.C.

(NOTE: Kyle is way too shy about certain things and was not comfortable writing the following section, so we on his staff wrote this for him ...)
In many of your classes, you’ll be studying directly with Kyle C. Wright. Kyle was founder of the Wright Centers of Advanced Bodywork in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. He’s successfully treated many people, including the rich and famous. Kyle’s track record as an instructor and therapist is unparalleled in the field.

I have been competing as a professional athlete for 25 years as well as training professional athletes for 15 years. From my own experience as a World Champion and training world class athletes I know it takes a team of highly competent professionals in a few key areas for an athlete to achieve the pinnacle of his or her sport. Kyle Wright is one of those highly competent professionals. I have learned many valuable lessons on myofascial tracks and their effect on performance. Kyle is the master in neuromuscular bodywork. He knows the importance of postural function and the kinetic chain. He knows and understands movement function better than anyone in his area of mastery. Is it any wonder his schools and publications are the standard in the industry?
Gerry James, PGA Professional

Kyle’s successful career as a Clinical Massage Therapist includes:

30,000 patients treated throughout his career, and still going
Worked successfully with neurologists, chiropractors, podiatrists, dentists, osteopaths, in fact, nearly every health care discipline
you can imagine
A proven educational resource to physicians, including lecturing to conferences for osteopathy, chiropractic, physical therapy, strength & conditioning coaches
Speaker to Mayo Clinic’s Florida Physical Therapy department
In 1999 to 2002, on teaching staff of UNF Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) program on muscular imbalances and myofascial

Speaker to numerous massage related conventions, as recently as the 2007 FSMTA state convention, with highest ratings of presenters
Massage Therapist of the year in 1992 by the North Chapter of FSMTA
Therapist to many top professional golfers on U.S. & European tours
2004 massage therapist for the NFL Jacksonville Jaguars

I had to quit golfing for 6 years from a nagging shoulder injury. After 3 treatments from Kyle Wright and with bi-monthly maintenance, I am playing again, pain free. After visiting various healthcare professionals, I was amazed by the results achieved through his specific clinical massage therapy techniques. I have referred other professional athletes to Kyle including the former PGA Commissioner Dean Beman, Calvin Peete, Rick Berry, Jim Hallet, Vijay Singh and Rocco Mediate.

During this time, Kyle was Founder, CEO & Curriculum Developer of the original five Southeastern Schools of Neuromuscular & Massage Therapy located in Florida and North and South Carolina, which he owned and operated successfully for 17 years. After these years of developing and managing a large administrative and teaching staff, Kyle wanted to get back to basics and a higher quality of life. He sold his five schools and moved just outside of Asheville, in the quaint town of Fairview, North Carolina.
Wanting to stay on the Leading Edge of the massage therapy profession, he is opening the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork. Kyle’s school is extremely dedicated to providing you with highly advanced skills that will serve you well in becoming an integral part of the healthcare industry. He will be fully focused on ONE school and 14 students per class.
His track record in providing top quality training to new massage therapists includes:

(Okay, we’re giving it back to Kyle …)
Now that you know a little more about me and why I think you’ll benefit from enrolling in my school, let’s get to the Bottom Line.
Passing The National Certification Exam
An important criterion in determining the school that will give you the best education is the pass rate on the national certification exam. Most states require a passing grade on this test to qualify for licensure, which affords you the privilege to practice in that state.
Your NCSAB instructors are highly experienced practitioners, and are experts and specialists that live and breathe soft tissue therapeutics.
Even if you have no background in massage therapy what-so-ever, my staff and I will take you step by step through the process of learning the basics. Yet upon graduation, you’ll be among the most highly trained massage therapists in the country. You’ll understand and be competent and efficient in treating the most common soft tissue pathologies experienced by the vast majority of Clients or Patients.
After that, if you decide you want more training, we’ll be here when you are ready to move to the next level of your professional development. Our Continuing Educational Programs are designed to be natural extensions of your Foundational Training.

Now, I have to give some credit to one of MY former and most influential teachers, David Scott Lynn. He is contributing a few chapters of the brand new and completely revised version of my book. I thought it was appropriate because many of the concepts I teach, and you will be learning, at NCSAB, I learned from David in one of his DSL Method series of workshops for bodyworkers about 15 years ago. This is among the Leading Edge material I will be incorporating and teaching you.

Having had experience with many different bodyworkers, David’s technique is certainly unique. There are levels of healing he achieves I’ve never seen before. This is clearly a result of a vast knowledge of anatomy and physiology combined with decades of hands-on experience.
Dr. John Bordiuk, M.D.

After I have the Foundational Program running smoothly, I’ll be teaching continuing, more advanced programs you can take advantage of. In the meantime, David will be teaching some of our continuing education programs here at the school. And he is offering to teach something you might be interested in. Much of his hands-on bodywork technique and Structural Strategies are based on his unique approach to Conscious Stretching, also known as physical/mental yoga.
But rather than being based in Eastern philosophy and Indian culture, he teaches from a VERY Western, scientific and therapeutic perspective. Yet it is very conscious of how the human mind and body function, and how they interact together including the psycho-emotional component. His yoga teaching is also highly influenced by more than 26 years doing hands-on, private bodywork therapy with Clients that many practitioners – both orthodox and alternative – had given up on.

I have worked with many soft tissue therapists over the years. David Scott Lynn is the only one educated and skilled enough to do what I want with full confidence that the job will be done. My patients definitely feel the difference.
Gary Fujinami, D.C.

David has developed a comprehensive system called DSL EdgeWork: Yoga/Bodywork Therapeutics which he will be offering here at the school.

While DSL's concept and execution of bodywork is nothing short of amazing, it is his approach to yoga that has been life altering for me. The profound yet subtle changes have reinvented not only my own practice, but the way I teach yoga as well. Of all the yoga techniques I’ve studied in the past 30 years, not only are David's methods what I’ve been searching for, but the feedback from my students is equally as positive. I'm excited about teaching yoga again.
Nan Araneo • Yoga Teacher

We don't know how long he will make this available, but if you would like to add therapeutic yoga to your toolbox of techniques and perspectives for helping your Clients or Patients, he will be offering an optional Yoga Principles & Therapeutics program at a nice discount off his regular fees. I believe you will find this a perfect compliment to your studies here at the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork.
In David’s program, you will learn principles, practices and insights, and the sciences behind, physical, mental and therapeutic yoga. These include:

The Science of Breath and dissolving tension
Releasing built-in, Natural Forces of effortless great posture and fluid movement
Using yoga for structural decompression and postural balance

Application of these Teachings will take Yoga to new heights in the Western World. The DSL Method is profoundly sensible.

David and I will also be offering several weekend workshops on programs like:

Advanced Structural Analysis (understanding the physics & geometry of the body)
Advanced Structural Balancing Strategies

Well, that about wraps up what I have to tell you … for now. But as you can guess, my staff and I have MANY more things to tell you … and show you.
So please, pick up your phone, like right now, and give me a call at

Or open up your email program and send me a message.
Let’s see what we can do to help you establish yourself as a Leading Edge Practitioner in Clinical Massage Therapy and Structural Bodywork.
Our first innaugural class will begin early 2009.
I used to teach classes with 50 to 60 students at a time, and I produced the results, and everyone got what they needed. But at this time in my life, to maintain a high level of personal interaction, I am only accepting 14 students per class, so you might want to get the process started right now.
To find out more about the

You can also email me by CLICKING HERE or by opening your email application that you use and typing in kyle along with the @ sign followed by


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