Think Theologically | Engage Globally | Live Biblically
Albert Hickman Featured on CNN's Belief Blog
Albert Hickman, alum and research associate in global Christianity at the Center for the Study of Global Christianity wrote an article for CNN's Belief Blog titled, My Take: Violence Against Iraq's Christians is nothing new.
Preaching: From the Study to the Pulpit, D.Min. Track
“God calls preachers to understand the Word and understand the people,” says mentor Dr. Jeff Arthurs, “to love the Word and love the people.”
Church Planting and Multiplication, D.Min. Track
“Church planting is God's design for gospel proclamation to bring healing and wholeness to a very broken world,” states mentor Dr. Sam Schutz.
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary combines a rich tradition of superb academic scholarship with cutting-edge educational innovation. Rooted in the gospel and God’s Word, the seminary seeks to "Advance Christ's kingdom in every sphere of life by equipping Church leaders to think theologically, engage globally and live Biblically."
SEM-Train provides up to date engineering seminars and courses for Professional Development Hour credits. Engineers are able to register for upcoming courses online and attend both live.