It is our pleasure to have you viewing our website today. We are a ministry dedicated to “Advancing the Kingdom of God through Salvation, Liberation, and Restoration with Excellence”. This is accomplished through preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His purpose for our lives, and the impact of that purpose on His Kingdom. Our ministries are for all ages and stages of life. You will find a list of the ministries along with some pictures of those ministries in action. We are a growing body of believers - the Saved, the Liberated, and the Restored – and we are excited about Jesus. You are invited to our Worship Experience on Sunday mornings at 11:00 A.M., as well as our Bible Study for both adults and youth on Wednesday nights at 7:00 P.M.
For the Kingdom,
Branches and additional offices:
(336) 723-84291751 E 7th St Winston Salem, NC 27101-