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Piedmont Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
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Address1415 W 1st St Winston Salem, NC 27101-2603
Phone(336) 777-0037
About Piedmont Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
PIEDMONT ACUPUNCTURE and ORIENTAL MEDICINE is a full service Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) family clinic. TCM is the world's oldest (@ 2500 years) professional clinically proven system of health care utilizing the treatment modalities of ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION (heat stimulation), CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE, CHINESE DIETARY THERAPY, AURICULOTHERAPY (ear acupuncture), CHINESE MEDICAL MASSAGE (Tuina), and QIGONG (various practices to build and harmonize QI--our vital life energy). TCM treats and prevents a wide variety of complaints and conditions by maintaining balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit.
WHY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE? As a complete and safe medical system which evaluates and treats the full range of diseases-- acute and chronic, infectious, traumatic and internally generated --and which works by re-establishing balance and harmony within the body, why not?
Created over many centuries by some of the brightest and best educated Chinese scholars (reflected in part by a continuing literate tradition of nearly 50,000 extant texts and professional journals), TCM is so clinically effective for so many complaints, that the World Health Organization (WHO) has selected it for worldwide propagation, and in 1997 TCM finally received recognition from the U.S. National Institute for Health (NIH) as an efficacious remedy for many maladies. TCM is truly complementary to Western conventional medicine, and in no way opposes it; Western medicine and TCM work great together, and we encourage communication and integration with the Western medical community.

HOW DOES TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE RECOGNIZE AND TREAT DISEASE, AND RE-ESTABLISH BALANCE AND HARMONY? The body, mind, and spirit are not distinct entities in TCM theory, but rather intertwined (as both quantum physics and psychoneuroimmunology observe).
In TCM terms, we are ultimately comprised of 5 substances: Jing (Essence), Qi (Energy), Shen (Spirit), Xue (Blood), and Jinye (Body fluids). These 5 are who we are; when the yin (quiet/ cool/ moist/ substantial/ dark/ heavy...) and yang (loud/ warm/ dry/ insubstantial/ light/ weightless...) aspects of these 5 substances are out of proportion, disharmony results, setting up an energetic blueprint, if you will, along the lines of which, what we recognize and diagnose as illness and disease result.
Balance is re-established by using ACUPUNCTURE, CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE, CHINESE DIETARY THERAPY, or other modalities to unblock stagnations, tonify deficiencies, and reduce excesses within our 5 substances, thereby improving health. The energetic insult, the imbalance in and among these 5 substances gives rise to, and are prior to actual disfunction and disease. Because of this, TCM has the potential ability to intervene in pathological processes at a very early stage, thereby effectively treating and PREVENTING many disorders and diseases before they are detectable with Western medical diagnostics.
Acupuncture & Oriental medicine, through more acceptable clinical trials, is rapidly proving itself in the U.S., and its potential as an therapy complementary to conventional Western medicine is considerable. TCM, due to its holistic outlook and scope of practice, has a strong ability to treat, manage, and even prevent chronic disorders and diseases, as well as provide overall wellness enhancement: a pointer towards optimal living.
WHAT CONDITIONS DO ACUPUNCTURE and TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE TREAT? Piedmont Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is a family practice, effectively treating all ages, including young children and older seniors.
TCM-- the premier medicine of China for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Western medicine-- diagnoses and treats many common and difficult to treat complaints and conditions.
Piedmont Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine specializes in the treatment of IMMUNOLOGICAL (chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia; allergies; autoimmune diseases; post-viral disorders) GASTROINTESTINAL (IBS; gastritis; ulcer; hiatal hernia; Chrohn's; ulcerative colitis; diverticulitis), NEUROMUSCULOSKELETAL (repetitive strain syndromes; injuries; arthritis; fibromyalgia/ myofascial pain; acute/ chronic pain of any origin), and PEDIATRIC (children's) disorders.


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