Welcome to Dr. H. L. Kwan Chiropractic and Acupuncture
Dr. Kwan's office is located at 674 Radio Dr. in Lexington, NC. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (336) 249-6852. For more information, use our contact us form. Please use our site to learn about acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs and natural medicines. We update periodically to keep you informed of the latest news in alternative care in our Newsletter. If you have specific questions with regards to your conditions, don't hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your interest. Thank you for visiting us!
What is Acupuncture
DOT Physical Exam
TeamCME provides resources to find and schedule your next DOT Physical Exam online. We are the only DOT Physical Exam network with online scheduling capabilities and the largest network of DOT Physical Providers.
Dr. Kwan's office is certified to conduct DOT (CMV) physicals