Work is in progress, please excuse the dust.
That is truly the case here, as we are setting up the shop in
Manteo, N.C. while completing an ocean front remodeling
project in Southern Shores, N.C.
The Manteo storefront will feature several boat lines, to
INFLATABLE BOATS and several marine products that have
been designed and built or product lines obtained during our
construction projects. We will continue to expand our
offering and welcome any suggestions to how we can better
serve our customers.
Other web sites have weather, but you have got to check out this weather model
If you are a google earth user, if you go to the radar image on the above site,
open the kml file mid page on the left, select which radar locations you desire to
see and they will be placed on your google earth image. You will be able to
watch the rain coming down your street.