The Center for Creativity and Healing4728-C Park Road Charlotte, NC 28209 (704)523-5567
"To be at peace with ourselves, we need to know ourselves"...Caitlin Matthews
We encourage our clients to take an active role in determining their course for change. We believe in a holistic approach that includes the mind-body connection and other aspects of each person's overall health and well-being. We welcome the opportunity to work closely with other professionals/ collaterals and can refer you to a variety of related resources in the community.
We provide the following services for individuals and businesses:
Therapy for children, adolescents, adults, partners and families.
Personal Growth and Therapy Groups for adults on such issues as sexual abuse, body image, interpersonal skills, creativity, etc.
Reunification Therapy for parents and children whose relationship has been disrupted due to litigation or other circumstances.
Parent-child Relationship Enhancement Training (Filial Therapy) for adult caregivers seeking to strengthen the bond and increase communication between themselves and their child.
A Comprehensive Counseling and educational approach for families who have experienced violence/abuse in their home.
Workshops and Classes on personal growth, creativity and spirituality, stress management, and communication.
Consultation and training for human services providers.
Retreat facilitation for businesses and community organizations.