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We are a neighborhood-based Screen Printing business serving private & professional customers
by providing solutions to their need for silk screened imprinted wearables. T-shirts, Sweats,
Jackets, Sweat Pants, Totes etc. Please Email or call us with your order today.
We will be more than happy to answer your questions and offer you a quote.
This link will take you to even more examples of our Custom Artwork.
Quoting Your T-Shirt Screen Printing Cost.
The factors we use to determine the total cost of your printed T-shirts are:
Screen printing on a white or ash t-shirt is the least expensive way to go. Darker colored Tee shirts such as red, blue, gold, purple, black, orange etc. run a bit more.
We must pay an 'up-charge' for shirts in sizes XXL and larger.
Costs if any, are calculated according to the complexity of the design, whether the customer provides the art we will screen print, and if any clean-up is required.
There is a screenprinting set-up fee in most cases*, based on the number of ink colors we print. For each color we must prepare separate artwork color by color, print out laser film for each color, burn a stencil from each film, apply each stencil to an individual screen and mount each screen to the press for final garment printing.
These may apply in extreme instances. We like a 7-10 business day turnaround. Anything quicker than that usually requires shifting our work schedule. So please give us some notice and avoid these expenses.
Costs vary according to carrier chosen and other variables. Rush shipping charges, insurance, etc.
*Frequently we adjust our screen printing set-up fees in the case of non-profit organizations.
For additional information, obtain a quote or place an order please call:
...or you can EMAIL us by using the convenient button directly below...