Enhance your good looks today without having plastic surgery!
IPL/LASER Skin Care for Fayetteville
Intense Pulsed Light is a full spectrum white light, developed and first introduced by Board-certified dermatologist, Patrick Bitter Jr. MD as a non-invasive method of photorejuvenation to improve the appearance of the skin. Being full spectrum of wavelength, it is not limited in its ability to treat different skin conditions. We use Radiancy IPL/LHE machine for most of these procedures.
Treatments with LHE/IPL are simple and safe. It requires no downtime and has no harmful side effects. A treatment session lasts 15 minutes or less. Most patients notice results after first visit. Complete results usually take three to six office visits.
Brown spots on skin-Face, hands, & forearms
Younger patients with milder degrees of skin damage or early aging changes
Pigment Changes/Sun Damage or Aging Skin
Ruddy Skin Appearances ("Dyschromia")
Facial Veins and Redness or Flushing-Rosacea