Sound Financial Planning Will Bring You Peace of Mind That Your Life Is On Track And Your Goals Are Attainable
Planning for your children’s education?
Considering health, life or long-term care insurance options?
Wondering how much commission or fees you’re paying your
current investment manager?
Need to get a handle on your finances?
Interested in working with a fee-only financial planner?
At Holcombe & McGrath we look at your finances in context of your whole life: your current situation, your dreams and desires for the future, and the financial requirements you’ll need to make that happen.
As independent financial advisors, we are free to choose the investment options that are best suited to your goals. And — more important — as fee-only investment managers, we do not collect commissions from the investments we recommend for you.
Personalized attention, independent investment advice and fee-only services — these are the foundation of our business. Contact us and find out how we can help you achieve your goals.